Bluetooth elektronikudvikling Beacon Container Tracking  kundetilpasset BeaconTracking Tracker Gateway - Wifi GSM Beacon Gateway - Bluetooth Access Control Elektronikudvikling

elektronikudvikling LTE cat m1 nb-iot production sigfox loRaWan lte cat m1 iot solutions Fleetmanagement - flådestyring customized development  LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,  EN12830 multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, Sealed LID, Pulse, Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions. Lora LoRAWAN lte cat m1 iot solutions Fleetmanagement - flådestyring customized development  LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,  EN12830 multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, Sealed LID, Pulse, Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions.


WedeCon Design i Taulov tæt ved Fredericia tilbyder effektiv elektronik prototype udvikling og elektronik produkt udvikling
 og EMS produktion bl.a til til virksomheder og iværksættere over hele landet.
 Kompentencerne ligger i kundetilpasset elektronik produktmodning,

design, re-engineering, produkt og elektronikudvikling samt produktion af netop din ide eller produkt.

Skal du kun bruge 5 styk enkelte prototype elektronik moduler eller måske en stor produktion på 10.000 styk

 - Altid Velkommen til at ringe eller Skype mellem 08:00 og 18:00
- Mere kontakt og info på
      Mekanik-designet klarer vi også

Bluetooth,  LoRa, LoRaWAN,  5G Automotive  LTE M nb-ioT, - NTN iot - Beacon Container Tracking
              GSM LTE trådløse Remote systemer med 2G Fallback,  _ ATEX Maskin styringer ,
 Arduino & ESP32 kundetilpasset modul udvikling efter netop din Ide  osv osv ...........

    Få jeres første orienterende kaffe-møde uden beregning -
                                          Vi har allerede varm kaffe klar på kanden og et frisk stykke kage

Mere kontakt og info på                                        
NFC elekronikudvikling LTE-M ioT LoRa Bluetooth GSM udvikling ATEX elektronikudvikling electronics development & production produktion entwicklung Lora LoRAWAN lte cat m1 iot solutions Fleetmanagement - flådestyring customized development  LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, LTE Cat M1, NB1, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,  EN12830 multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, Sealed LID, Pulse, Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions.

H ome   GSM-Alarm

nb-iot asset tracking control udvikling NTN iot Beacon Container  tracking elektronikudvikling elektronik udvikling LTE 4G iot

  Presenting :   BLUETOOTH  customized SOLUTIONS - kundetilpassede løsninger
                    Wireless Menu
                    BLE Bluetooth Beacon Gateway  LTE 2G GSM Gprs Tracking
                    BLE Bluetooth Beacon Gateway to NB-iot LTE 5G NTN  Cat M1- NB2

                    BLE Bluetooth Beacon Gateway to Wi-Fi / Ethernet
                    BLE Bluetooth iiot - Beacon Container Tracking

   Automotive truck & car solutions  included cloud management system solutions
                                                                 MENU SELECT & click to connect
**  Bluetooth - Beacon  GateWays (  IP67 waterproof for truck mounting )
** GSM NB-ioT Control Modules R&D
** BT Bluetooth Tracking assets Beacon Development
** Telematics €G Fleet Management Module Development NTN ioT
** ioT Bluetooth Solution  Developments
** Company information  & contact

LTE Cat M1, NB1, NTN LoRa, M-Bus, IP68, FOTA, RS232, RS485,
multi I/O, relay, m2m, NB-IOT terminal. DIN-Rail, ATEX, Sealed LID, Pulse,
Battery Operated. Mobile Modems and Routers. Industrial IoT Solutions.


LTE cat m1 NB2 Gateway - Bluetooth NB ioT udvikling  

                         Bluetooth BlueGateway

                         Bluetooth BeaconGateway - Beacon Container Tracking

                         Bluetooth Sensor ioT Gateway

                                     Bluetooth ioT solutions

                          Bluetooth BlueBeacon

                     Mød os på  EOT 2025  Electronics of Tommorow
 Mød os på  Odense  Elektronik Messe  / E26  Odense 2026

                     i o t s o l u i o n s
              Click to Company Contact                                         NB-ioT elektronikudvikling

Customized Bluetooth Beacon Tracking  modules & Gateways Customized  NB-IoT wireless modules & Gatewaysbluetracking beacontracking elektronikudvikling EASYIPCU 8870

BeaconTrackingt - We are Still Working on it.

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